

I am really shocked to read that Deputy Prime Minister of our country has given a veiled threat that Malaysia could see another bloody incident which is an obvious reference to May 13, 1969 incident as quoted by Utusan said the Chairman of Majlis Gagasan Malaysia, Manivannan Rethinam

I didn’t live through the racial clashes of 13 May 1969. I was born few years after, and yet, throughout my childhood and into my adulthood, just mentioning “May 13” evoked whispered warnings and an unnameable fear he further added.

He stressed that we need to put an end to any references to “May 13” incident by unscrupulous fear mongering extremist and make a stand that anybody that threatens with “May 13” must be regarded as anti-national, regardless of race and religion.

Let’s be united in getting the views of the silent majority of moderates to be heard. Time has come to stand up and speak out. Moderates are the living examples of civility while extremists are the violent children of desperation.

Manivannan who is also the Vice Chairman of MIC National Information added that, we moderates talk of language of peace, harmony, unity and tolerance while extremist preach division, conflict, hatred and intolerance. We moderates want a united peaceful, harmonious and prosperous Malaysia.

It is the responsibility of all Malaysians to take a firm stand against divisive forces that can tear apart our social fabric and cause disunity. We must reject the racial and religious extremists who incite racial and religious hatred, tension and conflicts.

We must stand together to rise above politics and unite as Malaysians in working towards building our multi-racial nation into a United Malaysian (Malays, Chinese, Indians and others who detest racism and bigotry).

He wants the relevant authorities to take the necessary action to put an end to irresponsible, inflammatory, incendiary and seditious spewing and incitement of racial and religious hatred, tension and conflict in our plural society.

He ended by saying what is morally wrong cannot be religiously or politically correct, we are first and foremost, Malaysians.

Stand Up, Speak Out and Unite as Malaysians.

Saya Bangsa Malaysia!

Chairman of Majlis Gagasan Malaysia

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