
Nov 15, 2011

I was involved in an accident earlier today for no fault of mine. I was hit by a car trying to make an illegal turn. Though minor injuries, my Vulcan was severely damaged. The odd part is that, I did not have the heart to vent my anger coz the driver of car was an elderly person (70+). To make matter worse, from the way he was talking, either his road tax has expired or he does not have a license. After getting treatment from a clinic nearby, had a chat with driver and ended up feeling sorry for him after hearing the family problem he was having. Anyway to cut the story short, ended up not making a report and looks like, I am also going to end up footing the bill for the Vulcan repair even though he said he will try to pay me some money when he can ): I agree with my wife, thank god I ended up with minor injuries. 🙂 Good night friends, got to take another dose of pain killer.

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